Colton Crawford
On the surface Kai appears to be an average curious 6 year old. Kai’s mother, Mary Ann, passed away leaving him in the custody of his Uncle Grady. This is odd since Grady and Mary Ann was separated at the age of 13, when she was put into foster care, and didn’t have any contact, but, Grady is the only living relative she knows. The move from the city to the country takes some adjusting. Kai discovers he doesn’t see things like other do and the adventure follows.
Clayne Crawford
Grady Lee Jr. is a small country farmer who struggles to keep his farm afloat after a few bad seasons. He is a higher functioning and reclusive person who keeps to himself. Traumatized at an early age by the loss of both his mom, at the age of 5, and his father when he was 10, he keeps to himself with a handful of people in his life that truly know him. After finding a hidden journal in his fathers office, he gets the help of his friend Boudreaux, and begins constructing a machine, called Jack, which is based on the designs and research his father’s, who worked in a top secret facility during the Vietnam War. Not too long after, he finds himself reluctantly taking custody of his stepsisters 6 year old child, Kai. This proves challenging for Grady.
Christian Kane
Boudreaux is Grady's only friend. He is not originally from Clay, but, moved into town at an early age when his mother left the Choctaw Nation when he was young. He’s proud of his American Indian heritage and although he is not an ordained shaman, he is a student of the spiritual realm, is knowledgeable with gems, and knows Grady has a lot of change coming and will need help. Boudreaux is the owner of the local salvage yard and is a skilled fabricator. Grady usually gets reclaimed parts, from old cars, and uses them on his pet projects.
Wilmer Calderon
Manna is Grady’s farmhand. He’s a veteran of the Afghanistan War and suffers from PTSD and depression. Originally from south Florida, he is completely out of his element in the country and gets by on the few dollars Grady can afford to pay him. He was traveling through Clay when he lost control of his car and nearly killed himself. Grady was the first on the scene and pulled him from the car. The wreck changed Manna forever. He’s a good guy, just broken.
Tumbleweed Smith
When Grady’s father and step mother died in a car accident, Randy, Grady’s Senior's best friend, stepped in as guardian and raised the orphaned Grady until he could take over the family farm. Randy is an original cowboy and a good man with Christian values, who runs a small engine repair shop and volunteers his time with recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.
Wendy Baron
Mary Ann is Kai’s mother and Grady Lee Jr.’s step sister. Several years after Grady’s mom died, Mary Ann and her mom moved into the Lee home after their parents were married. After the accident, Mary Ann was taken away by the state and we don’t know much of what happened to her or who Kai’s father was. However, she is the world to Kai and he to her. She is a single mom, living in DC, when she discovers she has stage 4 cancer with no chance of survival. Mary Ann is the only person that knows about Kai’s gift and keeps his secret to herself. One thing is certain, she sent Kai to live with Grady because she thinks the change in his environment is what’s best for her son. Kai remembers their time together and all the wisdom and values she instilled in him before her passing. This gets him through hard times
Chalet Lizette Brannan
Abutona (Abby), Boudreaux’s niece, is a member of the Choctaw Nation, and becomes Kai’s young female friend. She represents the advancing changes that are taking place with todays children, in all cultures. She is a gifted artist, however, after spending time with Kai she begins to have visions of the future, where he’s concerned, and expresses these through her art. She is the comforter and a best friend to Kai, now that his mother has passed away. Abutona becomes the soul reason Kai is able to control, harness, and understands his gift. She is able to quiet his mind in a way that no one, not even his mom, could do. Until Abby came into his life, the ever growing evolution of his senses was too much for him to handle. They combine their efforts to construct Kai’s very own device, which could eventually take Grady’s machine, Jack, to levels he never imagined.